28 years ago: 1989. A rupture, still tangible for many among us.

28 years from now: 2045. Considered by experts as the year when artificial intelligence surpasses human capacities.

How can we imagine this? How can we make it tangible?

In Das Mannheim Experiment seven children try to do just that. They invite us into their future and insist that we create a concrete imagination of it for ourselves. They, who will live most of their lives in that seemingly unfathomable future know what is at stake in making it graspable for us, so we can reflect on our role in shaping what that future will be like.

Das Mannheim Experiment was created on invitation by and at the Nationaltheater Mannheirm, where it premiered in May 2017, and has been on repetoire also for the 2017-18 season.



Concept, written and directed by: Edit Kaldor

Research, dramaturgy and additional text: Tamara Antonijevic

Stagedesign and video: Marcel Karnapke

German translation and dramaturgy: Silke zum Eschenhoff

Director's assistant: Karla Vesenmayer

Performed by and developed with: Nathan Ames, Zofia Lucynska, Jan Henri Müller, Elias Rezgui, Michelle Sichert, Selim Sulmanpay, Ahsen Usta

Produced by: Nationaltheater Mannheim